Ready to make your
career-defining power move?

Unleash your competitive edge for career success and execute big, bold career moves with total confidence.


Goal-getters to the front. Your power move awaits.

I see you, high achiever.

Your career matters to you. You’ve invested a lot of energy into chasing big goals, becoming a top performer, and reaching an undeniable degree of success (on paper, at least). 

But, right now? A part of you knows you’re not in the optimal role for you - and now it’s getting louder, noisier, and harder to ignore.

You’re feeling bored, stagnant, and ring-fenced in a job that isn’t stretching you. You have untapped potential that’s not being put to work, and it’s making you anxious, knowing you could be playing so much bigger already.

Because honestly? You KNOW you have so much to contribute. You are a freaking powerhouse when you’re in a role that lights you up. And yet other people (who are, to be frank, sometimes very mediocre at what they do) seem to be moving up faster than you and unlocking all sorts of juicy opportunities. So why not you?

You already know that “it’s just another job” club isn't one you want to be part of. You’ve worked too damn hard for that. You want more.

The Growth. The Salary. The Impact. You want it ALL.

And I’m here to tell you that you CAN create that life for yourself. 

You don’t need to settle for a standard career at a standard pace. You need to get strategic and learn the foundational secret keys to career success - once and for all.


The Power Move

The transformational career accelerator that equips you with the self-awareness, self-marketing mastery and actionable strategies you need to stand out on the ultra-competitive job market and power up your career potential. 

For ambitious professional women wanting to take ownership of their career growth and command more money, more impact and more success on their terms (without wasting time trying to figure it out on their own).


Screw mediocre. We’re playing in the big leagues.  

You have the drive and desire you need to move up in your career, but right now:

  • You’re not sure if you have enough experience (or the right experience) to make a career power move. You feel bored, under-employed and stuck in a role that doesn’t fully play to your strengths. And you wonder: “What if it’s holding me back?!”

  • You’re dreading the job search process because it all feels so overwhelming! Self-doubt creeps in: “Do I really have what it takes to cut through the noise in a highly-competitive job market?”

  • You realize that high grades and hard work are no longer enough to get you to that next step. You want to learn how to market yourself and play the game, but don’t know where to start.

  • You feel alone in your struggle because people close to you don’t understand why you can’t just be content with what you have.

Real talk: that nagging feeling you get that you’re made for more is your untapped potential talking.

It wants you to succeed, level up and take action. It’s not going to take any more excuses from you, or anyone else.

And trust me. You wouldn’t have this nagging feeling in the first place if you weren’t capable of taking your career to the next level.

But to build the kind of perfect-fit career you deserve as the powerhouse that you are, you’ll need to learn to not just navigate, but dominate the job market. 

Luckily, you’re in exactly the right place to do just that.


Make your next career move the power move that changes everything

There’s an easier way to land a major new job opportunity in a way that feels aligned and, dare I say, fun! 

Learning the skills you need to make a career power move isn’t just another thing on your To Do list. It’s THE thing.

I know that a lot of your well-meaning friends say you’ve got it good already - your current job pays fairly well, you’re a top performer, you might even move up in a couple of years if you just work extra hard. Hey, maybe you just need to do an MBA in the evenings, and then it’ll all click into place?

Let’s face it:

Reaching the ultimate heights of career success isn’t going to simply happen for you just by working harder,  waiting longer or getting another degree. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it. 

You need to learn the secret strategies of high performers.

You need to go beyond the generic career tips and learn the art and science of making exciting career power moves over and over again. 

It’s time to stop delaying your success and take intentional, proactive steps towards the fast-tracked career success you deserve. 

Let’s get you the roadmap you need to create your own opportunities and get your career right on track.


The no-BS roadmap to identifying your next career power move and making it a reality.

The Power Move is a 3-month private coaching experience for goal-getters, which teaches you how to reclaim your career success and package yourself into a magnetic candidate that employers simply cannot resist hiring.

You will learn exactly how to:


Powerfully articulate your value proposition in a way that’s 100% authentic to you.


Connect your past experience into an impressive, captivating career journey using the art of storytelling.


Create an impressive personal branding suite: resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, and other lesser-known tools.


Shift the energy you bring to interviews from nervousness and self-doubt, to confidence and empowerment.


Put an end to self-sabotage and master your mindset to command higher compensation and lucrative benefits. 


Bypass hundreds of job candidates and skip to the front of the line to land right in front of the hiring manager.

In other words, it’s the VIP career strategy incubator that simultaneously upskills you and unlocks that next version of yourself - the one who knows how to dream bigger and reach your biggest career goals, faster.

Take control of your career growth, one power move at a time.

Landing that next big career move is 100% possible for you. You just haven’t yet learned how to strategically position and market yourself as a no-brainer hire.

The Power Move program will teach you how to land your target role even if:

  • You don’t know what you want to do long-term
  • You decide to change your career direction after the program
  • You know how to write a pretty decent resume and cover letter already (because self-marketing mastery goes MUCH deeper than this) 
  • You have professional mentors who have been trying to coach you
  • You’ve already read a bunch of personal development books or guides to passing interviews

This is about evolving yourself and your career in a way that no generic book or social media tips account could ever teach you. 

Not only can you tap into my 10+ years of corporate experience and mentorship, but you will also receive high-touch, wraparound support, accountability, and an in-built sounding board that is relentlessly dedicated to seeing you reach your full potential. 

Commit to going all in on powering up your career, and I will amplify that commitment alongside you.


Big goals. Big opportunities.
And one hell of a life transformation. 

Let me ask you a question.

When was the last time you felt successful and at peace with your career progress?

As a high-achiever and a goal-getter, I know that you’re always thinking about your next power move.

The steps I teach in The Power Move program will show you how to land that next target opportunity without wasting any more of your valuable time stressing out and falling behind your peers.

If you are feeling:

  • The pressure to make the right career move, not just any move
  • Overwhelmed with having to job search yet again
  • Anxious to unlock that next career-defining job opportunity

 Then The Power Move is perfect for you.


Hear yourself from these high-achievers:


Business Development & Client Management

"Elena is an outstanding professional who is deeply committed to advancing women in the workplace. Her mentorship and guidance have been invaluable to me. With her unique ability to help individuals recognize and appreciate their own value, Elena positions them as top performers in their careers. Her reverse engineering approach to career goals is both insightful and effective. Elena empowers you to step out of your comfort zone, dream bigger, and achieve your aspirations. Beyond her professional expertise, Elena’s kindness, genuineness, and unwavering encouragement make her a standout mentor. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking personal and professional growth.  Elena’s impact is truly remarkable, and I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with her."



"Elena's biggest strength as a coach is her unapologetic honesty. She will give you unbiased, no-BS advice. It may not be what you WANT to hear, but it's what you NEED to hear to progress. Elena is also great at helping you see your true strengths and talents. Self-doubt is the enemy when it comes to reaching your professional goals, and Elena knows how to empower you to feel more confident and step into the best version of yourself. Her own experience of quitting her job and leaving everything behind to travel around the world is really inspiring. It shows the level of confidence that you need to quit your job, and be sure that you'll get back into the workplace with competitive pay that's the same or even better than before. I would highly recommend Elena if you want to achieve your ambitious career goals."


Ready for your biggest career power move yet?

The Power Move program is designed for ambitious professional women, who feel ready to land a new job opportunity, make more money, and have more career impact on their own terms. 

Invest in yourself, and 3 months from now you’ll have:

  • A crystal clear understanding of your Unique Value Proposition

  • An irresistible resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile, and a rock-solid foundation for your personal brand

  • Undeniable confidence to jump on an impromptu job interview and absolutely nail it

  • Proven strategy to land your target job, which you can apply over and over again to future opportunities

  • And most importantly, inner peace knowing that you’re right on track in your career.

Take a second to imagine what it feels like…

  • Having full control and autonomy over your professional trajectory

  • Feeling challenged in your new role, knowing full well that you’ll be leveraging this learning curve in the future

  • Finding yourself “in the zone”, doing your best work, gaining visibility in your industry, and building a brand for yourself

  • Having a clear roadmap of the types of skills and experiences you need to reach your 5 year career goals

  • Commanding a higher compensation and benefits package with ease just by being true to who you are

Speaking from experience, I can tell you, it feels pretty damn great!


Meet your new Career Success Coach

Hi, I'm Elena

I’m a Masters-qualified corporate success story, who is obsessed with igniting unstoppable career success in the women who know they were made for more. More job satisfaction. More financial security. More impact. Just more.

I know you - because I am you. 

When my parents moved to Canada, they struggled for YEARS to find employment. I watched them stumble through the unwritten rules of the job market, get rejected over and over again, and literally have no clue about what they were doing wrong.

But instead of feeling afraid about my future, I used their struggle to ignite a fire inside of me. I became obsessed with figuring out what it takes to land not just any job, but my target job.

How? I realized early on that I would have to get intentional with my career and work twice as hard to understand the codes to career success.

I knew high grades and an excellent performance record was not enough to get me the jobs I wanted. Hundreds of people have those. I had to intentionally CREATE those opportunities by learning how to market myself as a premium candidate. 

So, for the past 10+ years, I’ve become a master of selling WHO YOU ARE, not just what you’ve done, to get what you want. 

From landing a highly-competitive job in Big Finance, to pivoting my career without a pay cut, to taking a gap year and travel the world, to negotiating what seemed to be an impossible promotion - I’ve done it all:

  • I broke into the highly competitive, exclusive, “boys-club” industry of capital markets within just six months, despite having zero professional connections and graduating from a non-target, non-Ivy League university. 

  • Within that first year of work, I paid off $23,000 in student debt and paid an additional $28,000 in full for a subsequent Masters program.

  • I successfully pivoted my career from equity research into corporate strategy, without taking a pay cut.

  • I quit my job for one year to backpack around the world with my husband, and then landed a new highest-paid opportunity at an employer I was targeting within just 3 months of returning home from our travels.

  • I successfully landed a promotion within one year of starting employment, securing a 15% increase in base salary alone.

  • I found myself choosing between multiple job offers on two different occasions, and it felt so good!

  • I worked for 5 of the largest companies in Canada over a span of 10+ years, strategically moving up from one level to another.

Now, I’m on a mission to help women with big career ambitions and even bigger financial goals to take control of their professional growth, hop in the driver's seat and step on the gas!

Sounds like you? 

Let’s co-create a career big enough for the powerhouse that you are!


Make a BIG career change, easily & effortlessly, so you can do work that ticks ALL your boxes.


The secret strategies you’ll unlock inside the Power Move career accelerator stem from the simple fact that it’s not the most qualified person who gets the job, but the one who knows how to market themselves effectively.

By mastering my signature Power Move framework, you will learn to target your next career move with intention and precision, craft a killer personal brand, and pick up the pace in reaching your career potential.

In our one-on-one coaching together, we will journey through 3 main phases that will transform you into a self-marketing powerhouse:

1. Define the product
(that’s YOU!)

Together, we’ll identify the most exceptional parts of you and understand the way your brain ticks at the deepest level. You will see yourself in a whole new light, finally understanding what sets you apart and where your undeniable value lies - especially in the eyes of your target employers.

2. Package and market the product

Next, you’ll learn to articulate what makes you premium, with a level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence that has employers saying “wow!” You will walk away with a high-quality personal branding suite (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn) that you’re proud of and that actually converts into interviews.

3. Close the sale
(aka get the job offer)

Finally, we seal the deal by mastering the art of the in-person pitch. You’ll get intentional with your networking and hone the skills and mindset mastery you need to back-up your irresistible personal brand in high-stakes interview settings. It’s always fun to have employers fighting over each other to hire you.


Your power move starts here:


Strategic Sourcing / Supply Chain Management

"Elena is extremely passionate about elevating women in the workplace. She comes up with creative solutions that are original and innovative. Elena is also an excellent listener, and her feedback is delivered with a flawless balance of challenge and encouragement. I have always looked forward to our interactions as her exceptional collaborative and empathetic attitude shines through in her ability to inspire and motivate others. She is the perfect ally if you are looking to achieve empowerment in your professional growth journey."



"Elena is in a position to coach women because she herself has broken through barriers and overcome obstacles to achieve professional success. She has navigated the corporate realm and brings invaluable insight to help other women. Working with Elena was inspiring as she is able to quickly become acquainted with processes, rules and norms to deliver measurable results. She is easy to work with and immediately makes a lasting impression with her kindness and execution-focused mindset."


You’ve got big goals.
Let’s achieve them at 2X speed.

The best investment you could ever make is in yourself. Once you learn to make career power moves, you’ll never look back.

Your investment into your future through The Power Move includes:

  • 12x 60 minute private coaching calls with your Career Success Coach, recorded to keep for life
  • Custom workbooks and activities to work on in between calls
  • Templates, cheat sheets and checklists to fast-track your success
  • Unlimited voice note support Monday-Friday throughout the duration of our time together
  • Lifetime access to all video and audio trainings provided
  • The rapid-fire acquisition of career strategy skills that took me 10+ years to learn, in just 12 weeks


$1997 USD

(best value)



$697 USD x 3

(most flexible)


To ensure my clients get the VIP treatment inside my program, I have a limited number of spots available.
Apply now to claim your spot. 

Unleashing potential with The Power Move:


Operational and Technology Transformation / Project Management
(United States)

"Elena boasts significant expertise in establishing a thriving career within the highly competitive capital markets industry, as well as the corporate strategy sector. Her insights and experience provide a profound understanding of the qualities that set candidates apart in their job search. Elena’s warmth and positive energy enable her to recognize and amplify people’s strengths, guiding them toward landing jobs that truly allow them to thrive. I’ve found Elena to be very supportive, encouraging and motivating. She’s also an attentive listener that works hard to understand where you’re coming from and what your goals really are. Finally, Elena is great at translating insights into actionable steps to equip individuals with the tools needed to achieve their goals."


Strategic Pricing

"Elena is incredibly kind, helpful, and empathetic, always showing a deep emotional intelligence that allows her to connect with others on a profound level. Her passion for making a positive change in the world is evident in everything she does, and she creates a safe environment for sharing ideas, making you feel heard and valued. One of Elena’s greatest strengths is her ability to challenge your thinking in a constructive manner. She helps you step into the best version of yourself by encouraging strategic, long-term thinking and offering creative solutions to problems. Additionally, she empowers you to advocate for yourself, ensuring that you are always moving forward in your personal and professional growth. Working with Elena taught me a great deal, and I am confident that anyone seeking career coaching would greatly benefit from her guidance and expertise."

Power up. Pull it off.
Press play on your top-tier career.  

Change is scary, so it’s perfectly normal that your inner critic is telling you to sit down, shut up, and stick to the status quo for now. 

But both you and I know what your intuition is trying to tell you:

  • I can do better. 
  • I don't have to settle.
  • I can be further along in my career. 
  • I have ambitious financial goals. 
  • I'm capable of more.
  • I'm ready for the next step.
  • I want to have a greater impact.
  • I want to build a top-tier career, not just another job.

Your inner truth knows that it’s time to step up your game and make the next career power move.

After working for 5 of some of the largest companies in Canada, hitting 6-figures pretty much right out of university, and spending the last 10 years mastering the art of self-marketing in a corporate environment, I’ve developed The Power Move system that will unlock the next level in your career in record time with a major boost in pay.

What we do differently: 

  1. You build foundational self-marketing skills that you can use time and time again, even if you decide to pivot and change your career trajectory later in life. 

  2. You learn to master your mindset, casting fear and self-doubt aside, and stepping into your most confident self. No more “fake it till you make it” (because let’s face it - employers can easily tell when you’re faking it!)

  3. You develop a fresh relationship with money, allowing you to openly talk about it and ask for the compensation you truly want. 

These are all pieces of the puzzle that I have collected over my decade-long career in some of the most competitive and bureaucratic companies. 

And now I’m teaching you all of these pieces, so you don’t have to spend the next 10 years trying to figure it out on your own.

Juicy bonuses for the action-takers.

For a limited time, I’m rewarding those who apply and are accepted with the following action-taker bonuses:

Bonus #1:

The Perfect Words: 

Fill-in-the-blank networking messages and emails for all steps of the hiring process

Save hundreds of hours overthinking what to say, when, and to whom and get the perfect words every time from a job market guru. From setting up networking conversations, to sending the perfect “thank-you” email after your job interview, you’ll be covered for life.

Bonus #2:

Set for Success:

Unlimited resume, cover letter, and job application reviews

Although we shortcut the process, strategic job hunting can take time. In addition to getting my personalized input and feedback on every single job application you go for throughout the program, you’ll get a 30-day booster of continued support following your program end date.


Bold moves. Powerful Results.


Media Audience Behaviour Analytics

"I have had the pleasure of working with Elena and have experienced her wealth of knowledge firsthand. She is such a kind, empathetic and helpful person who was always willing to lend an ear and offer insightful perspectives about how to empower yourself and become confident in the skills and value we each have. She has an innate ability to break down problems and see the unique value each can offer, while providing practical and useful advice. You can trust that she will always overdeliver."




Finance and Accounting

"It was a pleasure working alongside Elena, and I can confidently say she’s a force of nature when it comes to career empowerment. She possesses a rare blend of ambition and empathy that makes her an exceptional career coach. What sets Elena apart is her meticulous planning and attention to detail. She is a creative thinker who delves deep into research to provide innovative solutions tailored to your needs. She would ensure every aspect of your career journey is carefully considered. Elena’s passion for authenticity shines through in her approach. She not only makes you see your value in the workplace, but also ignites a sense of confidence within you to forge your own career path."


Questions? I’ve got Answers.

Wanna hit accelerate on that top-tier career? 
Buckle. Up.

The Power Move will help you showcase your self-awareness, master your self-marketing skill set, and stand out amongst a sea of equally qualified candidates. 

Make the first move the one where you say “YES!” to your future, and I’ll help you with the rest.

More money, more impact, more progression, more success. It starts here.

Make your best career investment to date.